The revitalized Grace Youth Camp will surely bring to you a meaningful explorative experience; together we aim to preserve the unique mining industry of Hong Kong, learn about our religion, the history of the mining village and experiencing the natural values of Ma On Shan. Through stories and explorative activities, we wish to inherit the social and cultural values of the mining village and nurture our young generations.
The second phase of the revitalization project was completed in 2023. The "Grace Youth Camp" has been positioned with the concept of a "Mountain Hut" to consistently serve the community.
The basic concept of mountain hut is to provide a resting place and relevant mountaineering information for hikers.
The "Grace Youth Camp" integrates the functions of "The conservation of mining history and culture" , "The preservation of the natural environment", " The promotion of safe mountaineering culture" and "Fostering unity among people" to promote sustainable development between urban and rural areas.
Short Videos Introduction:
1. Grace Youth Camp: Past and Present
2. 2015 Grace Youth Camp New Services
3. Ex-residents reunited after half a century at Lutheran Yan Kwong Church
Key Partners (in no particular order)
Eco Institute
Hulu Culture
Hong Kong College of Technology
Ma On Shan Promotion of Livelihood and Recreation Association
People on Board
The Geological Society of Hong Kong