
礦山文化保育 ● 慈善籌款

Mine Heritage Cultural Revitalization ● Charity

25/2 (日 | SUN) - 馬鞍山郊野公園 Ma On Shan Country Park

Donation Amount HK$ 450/participant
Each Team 2-4 people

比賽目的 Objectives

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    Hong Kong Mine Challenge, the first mine-themed charitable race in Hong Kong, is going to be held near the Graded Historic Buildings: the Abandoned Ma On Shan Iron Mine and Mine Village. Participants will take the role as miners, follow the miners’ working schedule and daily routines 70 years ago, at the same time finishing different tasks provided. Participants are able to appreciate the unique natural landscape of Ma On Shan along the way. The conservation of mine village and the revitalization of the history of humanity could also be intensely concerned.

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    今年賽事主題是“Be Mine, Moving UP”「堅我如初」象徵我們要有如鐵礦石堅硬的特質,亦抱持堅毅不屈的初心,去迎接未來種種的挑戰。

    This year, our event theme will be “Be Mine, Moving UP”, we would like to use the metaphor of ‘mine’ to encourage the participants be strong and taking with their very beginning mind of value to fight for their future.

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    The fund raised by the Race would be used to support the conservation of culture and revitalization of the mine village, as well as to advance community education.

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    Be mining inheritor, supporting historical cultural revitalization