Special Measures

 Grace Youth Camp Opening

1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above

The Camp will be closed. It will remain closed if the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the usual closing time of Grace Youth Camp.


2. Black Rainstorm Warning

If the warning is issued while the Camp is in service, the usual opening hours will remain unchanged.

If the warning is issued before opening hours, the Camp will be closed until the warning is removed. It will remain close if the warning is cancelled less than 2 hours before the usual closing time of Grace Youth Camp.

3. Amber Rainstorm Warning

Please refer to the opening hours under amber rainstorm warning on our Facebook page.


Grace Youth Camp Programmes

1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above

All programmes will be cancelled.

If the warning signal is lowered 2 hours or more before the activity commences, the activity will be proceeded as scheduled.


2. Black Rainstorm Warning

Programmes in progress will continue while programmes not yet commenced will be cancelled.

If the warning signal is lowered 2 hours or more before the activity commences, the activity will be proceeded as scheduled.


3. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or Red Rainstorm Warning
Programmes in progress will continue.

Programmes which have not commenced will be cancelled. Alternate arrangements will be made for programmes cancelled.

Programmes will be held as scheduled if Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or Red Rainstorm Warning is cancelled 2 hours or earlier before the programme commences.


4. Amber Rainstorm Warning

Programmes in progress will continue.

Indoor Programmes will be held as scheduled.  Some outdoor programmes (e.g. mining workshop) will be conducted indoors.

Programmes which have not commenced will be cancelled. Alternate arrangements will be made for programmes cancelled.

Programmes will be held as scheduled if Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or Red Rainstorm Warning is cancelled 2 hours or earlier before the programme commences.